Castries, 12 April, 2024 – As the dry season progresses, there is an increased probability for the
occurrence of drier than normal conditions, which severely affects The Water and Sewerage Company
Inc.’s ability to abstract and distribute water, particularly to the south of the island. Although it has
not been a season devoid of rainfall, the net water supply has been severely impacted due in part to
above average temperatures associated with the effects of climate change.

The reduced levels on our southern system has called for WASCO to employ relief strategies to aid
consumers who have been experiencing prolonged water shortages. As part of the company’s water
scarcity management plan, a water rationing schedule has been initiated. This valving activity
includes a temporary suspension of service to specific communities to ensure that critically limited
water supplies are distributed as evenly as possible, to preserve public health and safety.

The following systems will experience interruptions during the southern valving exercise:
Desruisseaux, Belle Vue, Toucousson, Upper Saltibus and Lower Saltibus. Valving has commenced
to the affected communities and will remain in effect until water levels increase on the system.

WASCO emphasizes the need for individual action in reducing water waste and urges consumers to
curb their consumption by employing water saving measures where possible.

To connect with WASCO’s southern support team, please contact 457-3984 or send WhatsApp
messages to 482-0051.

WASCO apologizes for the inconvenience caused and thanks its customers for their patience and


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